Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Lotus of God

Often when I visited India, I happened to come at a time when a radiant lotus unfurls its blossoms and lifts its face to the sunlight for a few days. My hosts, amused, have come to name the beautiful flower 'Catherine's lilies.' When I lamented the fact over a cup of chai* that I longed for a picture of the lotus, but had not taken any, I did not think for a moment that anyone really listened to what I was saying. I went off back home to Ireland, and thought no more about it.

Nearly a year later, a photo dropped into my email box with a note; 'Catherine's lilies for Catherine.' My host had heard what I said; the flowers had finished blooming. So my host waited until the next season for the notoriously shy flower to blossom and had taken the picture for me. I was absolutely thrilled, and the exquisite picture is one of my favourites. That was the day I realised how a beautiful picture taken with thoughtfulness and grace can truly uplift the day.

The Lotus of God
It is a bright day
and I shyly look out
I know I am so beautiful
But my feet are wet, deep in the mud
Will I be accepted?
Will my background of mud from
which I draw my strength
be laughed at? I am a lotus
a lotus of God
made by the Hands of my Creator
Today I open my face...
Oh, will I be accepted...?

Each human being - from whatever culture, part of the global village, and personal way of life - is another beautiful creation from the Hands of God. We are each, in effect, a beautiful creation in the universe. Just like this exquisite lotus, we too, draw our strength from the clay and ground from which we eat our fruit and food, and to which we return in the recycling of Nature once we no longer need our earthly vehicle when our spirit moves to the next dimension to be with our God, our Creator.

Each one of us, deep inside our hearts and spirits, is shy and longing for love. Many are the hurts and disappointments that come our way, and sometimes the blossom of joy and love in our hearts is killed for the lack of water of compassion and love. Nevertheless, each of us is still the creation of God - a beautiful lotus which is waiting for just the right climate, just the right time, to flower into the full creation and personality God intended us to be.

Let us each be a Lotus of God - unafraid to show our face to the world, knowing that as a creation of God we have as much right to be here as the star, the ground, and the seeds that shower through the air to prepare the plants for the food for our earthly sustenance.

Let us, too, not hurt the face of another person by using words of ridicule; judgement; insult; rejection or harshness. Let us follow the golden rule that all religions follow
And so beautifully expressed in the words of the wonderful Jesus Christ,
'Do unto others as you would have done unto you,'
'Love one another as I have loved you.'

*The Bible, New Testament, The Gospel of John, Chapter 15, verse 12
*The Bible, New Testament, The Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 7, verse 12
*Please feel free to use the photographs in this gallery copyright free for any educational or spiritual purpose

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Lumiere Charity Photograph Gallery

Please feel free to use the photographs in this blog copyright free for any educational or spiritual purpose. Do you have a fabulous photo you took? Why not share it on your own blog. There is so much beauty in this world of ours. The talent of making beautiful pictures can brighten each person's day...
All photographs in the Gallery have been taken by Rev. Catherine and volunteers of Lumiere Charity.

Photograph taken in beautiful Switzerland.

'As graceful as a swan gliding through the waters
Deep in thought as the water ripples broadened long...
Gracious and quiet
The swan was
                      a quiet song.'

Do you ever have a quiet moment?
A moment where it is just you, and God, moving quietly along in the water of everyday life when the outside noise is muted and you are lost alone in your thoughts?
Have you ever realised that, as a creation and loved child of God the Creator
Just how beautiful you are in His sight?

Just look at this wonderful swan,
Gliding contemplatively in the gracious waters of Switzerland,
An icon of beauty and grace -
Just so beautiful and graceful are you...

Whatever culture you are blessed to belong to. Whatever gender is your gift from God. Whatever age you are - from just conceived, through all the maturing ages of life to the moment you ready yourselves to go to the next great step - eternal life with the God Who created you, and the company of those you love.

Just like this swan,
Let us be respectful of our life
Of our beauty
Our dignity.
Let us too, be respectful
of others' lives
Of their beauty
And their dignity.

Let us be inspired by the gracious people of Switzerland
Who show such hospitality and grace
To those who visit their land;
Who share the beauties of their culture, language and architecture
as gracefully as a swan
gliding down the river.

So let us dare to be...
As graceful as a swan gliding through the waters,
In our perfection from the Creative Hands of God
A quiet song to all we meet...

May each of you who read these words be blessed.

Reverend Catherine