Friday, September 14, 2012

Beautiful sculpture - India

Picture from glorious India - with thanks to the sculptor

*Photograph taken by Catherine Nicolette

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A song of threads - Dubai

Stripes of glowing colour in deftly woven Dubai fabric -
 colours and patterns
 interweave into 
a song of threads.

Soft colour of exquisite architecture - Dubai

Soft colour of exquisite architecture in the shimmering warmth of a lovely Dubai day - 
just look at that gorgeous sky! 

*Photograph taken by Catherine Nicolette

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Tramore Sunrise - the beauty of Ireland

The beauty of the sunrise in Tramore, where my dad lived as a boy. Just look at the colours ... the birds were up and about, early in the morning air, and they were having a marvellous time.