Sunday, June 12, 2016

Jesus Crucifixion - San Giovanni Rotondo, Italy

He was crucified on a cross to bear our sins and pay our sin price.
Two criminals were also condemned, and were crucified on either side of Him.
One man hurled insult and abuse at Him.
The other acknowledged His Messiahship and Kingdom.
Jesus said to him, 'Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise." [Luke 23:43]

One or Two?
Was Jesus saying you in the singular, or the plural?
Is is possible - nay, probable - that he was speaking to both the suffering condemned; the one who respected and acknowledged the Christ, and the one who didn't?
Both were most probably welcomed into Paradise; as the Christ had died for THEM BOTH.

Descendents of The Fall versus the Image of God
Are the two criminals in some way an allegory of many, if not most, of us? At times we are disobedient, blind to the dictates of GOD, suffering at the whims of our fallen nature.
At times like these, we do not live up to the Imago Dei within ourselves, but reflect our fallen ancestors.
At other times, we rise above ourselves, are true to our original nature, and are inspired to good and noble deeds.
At these times, we reflect the man who, acknowledging his fallen nature and bad actions, humbly asked the Christ for remembrance.

Christ - the Spiritual Doctor
Christ came not to reward the healthy and morally strong, but to support and heal the spiritually broken and weak. 'It is not the healthy who need the doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance." [Luke 5:31 to 32]. 

This man,  descended from his human mother and Incarnation energised from His Divine Father, is far greater than we can understand.
He comes, not only to heal the morally bankrupt, but to bless indeed the very hands that tortured, degraded and killed Him.
"Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do". the Messiah prayed in His dying moments. [Luke 23;34].

Do you know Jesus Christ?
Have you felt His forgiving Love?
Why not give yourself to Him today?

Online Chapel; Receive Jesus as your personal Saviour
Visit the following link and find the service to dedicate yourself to JESUS CHRIST

Jesus - Crucifixion

With thanks to

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