Tuesday, July 18, 2023



Photograph taken with permission. With thanks to the sculptor

So it's like this. As humans, often we look at things from humankind's perspective. Looking up from earth to heaven, we think of God our Father. We ask our guardian angel to help us - (knowing that Jesus Christ explained that all of God's children have an angel in heaven interceding on each one's behalf - (Matthew 18:10).

Yet do we ever think of matters from the angelic perspective? Mom had invited me to visit a local sculptor in Africa. When we visited, I was amazed at the beauty and precision with which the various images were made. This image of a pensive angel made me stand in wonder at the angelic beauty. It is almost as if the angel - a fledgling guardian as it were - has received the mandate from God to be guardian to a little human.

The angel looks out over heaven, hands clasped in prayerful thought, as if pondering how to go about this momentous task. How shall I protect this little one? What issues shall I warn my little charge against? How can I keep this little human made in the Image and Likeness of God safe from the wiles of the evil one?

A stone lies at the feet of the angelic sculpture in the photograph, with the word "Liefde" engraved upon it. This is the Afrikaans word for "Love". A fitting encapsulation of the vocation of each angel guardian.

Let us remember our dear guardian angels. Let us spare a thought for the multitude of guardian angels who have had their charges wrested from their angelic care through abortion, murder or sin. Let us pray for all who have not - or do not - listen to the angelic promptings of their angel guardian, that their hearts may become open to the guidance of their angel.

Let us pray the following prayer:

"Angel of God, my guardian dear,

to whom God's Love commits me here,

ever this day be at my side,

to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen."


With thanks to youtube

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